Therapeutic Massage & Energetics
in Friday Harbor, WA
Integrative Therapeutic MassageThrough the interweaving of myofascial release, craniosacral therapy, musculo/skeletal integration, movement, breath, energetic repair and other wellness approaches, Adrienne's method of therapeutic massage is tailored to fit your unique needs. No two bodies carry the same past or same path to healing; thus, every session is based on intuitive connection with the tissue, as well as the physiological considerations of the situation.
EnergeticsEnergetic awareness can be foundational to the healing process. If we consider the body as the house in which our consciousness is seated, then energy and spirit can be considered the blueprint. By using a combination of ancient and modern models of the energy systems of the body, one can address foundational components of healing.
Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself. – Rumi
There is an innate wisdom present in all beings. A wisdom that knows how to survive, how to create and maintain balance, and how to heal. I consider it my job to tune into the body, listen to this wisdom, and follow the healing path the body presents. - Adrienne